v1.1.7 - WP_Widget constructor fix for WP 4.3 v1.1.6 - Fix issue with links on frontpage featured row v1.1.5 - Add class to all titles - Add do_shortcode to copyright - Move content_width into after_setup_theme - Remove fancybox from options page - Fix translation wrapper issue with search function - Update font-awesome with 4.2.0 - Add retina.js - Add alt rss option in social media - Add options to remove link from slide - Fixed margin issue on about me widget avatar - Added option to show excerpt on frontpage featured row - Added fix to video responsive issue - Removed border from bottom of dropdown list-item - Added target option to button shortcode - Added option to display full posts or excerpts on blog/archive - Fixed image shortcode alignment issues - Fixed missing translation issues - Added PO/MO files - Fixed text logo display on mobile - Fixed featured page issue when blog selected v1.1.4 - Fixed theme slug issue breaking theme update notification - Added margins to wp core align classes - Removed duplicate title from feed - Added ID to page titles - Removed wpautop from textarea filter - Fixed theme slug issue breaking theme update notification - Added Montserrat and Handlee fonts v1.1.3 - Updated theme options panel - New theme update script v1.1.2 - Fixed broken pluggable function causing issues with media loader v1.1.1 - Trimmed all trailing whitespace - Converted all EOL to windows format - Added pluggable conditions to many functions - Removed Bootstrap-fix stylesheet - Consolidated shortcode.css to style.css - Removed blank nimbus_public.js - Added font-awesome v1.1.0 - Fixed errors reported from new sanitize functions v1.0.9 - Updated sanitize functions in theme options panel v1.0.8 - Updated admin menu item display and menu icon - Fixed broken responsive css description - Removed duplicate text logo on mobile sizes - Added read more support to featured post on frontpage - Added option to remove blog row from frontpage - Fixed display of full witdth images on mobile viewports - Fixed reported float issue a with clear below the_content; v1.0.7 - Use get_option('date_format') per discussion: "[theme-reviewers] Hard coding date format" - Migrated to new layout tags v1.0.6 - Fixed incorrectly stated banner dimensions on theme options page v1.0.5 - Fixed support for custom banner when frontpage set to blog posts v1.0.4 - Added otf, ttf files to MIME type list - Added WooCommerce Support - Added unique string keys to options array - Updated nimbus_get_option helper to pull defaults from array - Fixed issue with Frontpage keywords v1.0.3 - Edits to conditional css to resolve issues with top menu and admin bar v1.0.2 - Fixed declaration errors by removing none essential class extention - Added menu creation on theme activation - Moved conditional scripts into wp_head - Fixed slideshow image height issue - Added mobile display logo and option to style v1.0.1 - Update Name v1.0.0 - Initial Launch